Hong Kong

March 31, 2015

Hong Kong Disneyland

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Alright, Hong Kong is not the greatest place on earth.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s probably super amazing – but we only explored a very limited portion of Hong Kong because I was still super sick for a couple of days. So, actually, we only went to one place – the only place that mattered:


Now I made be 30 and Pam maybe 31 but that doesn’t mean that now and again we do not like to get down and act like we are 10. In fact, I feel like I am in a constant struggle between being a child and an old person.

Let me tell you a little bit more about that.

First of, I crave the same comforts of someone who is 10 (actually it could be more like someone who is 6)…. I prefer to sleep with a night light; I feel very uneasy in complete darkness. I also always like to always have a blanket with me. People I work with can confirm this. I sit at work all day with a blanket and when I travel for work, I bring my blanket with me.

Also, if I can’t sleep when I am travelling and away from home, I will snuggle up with my scarf. I am happy to admit that I did not pack my blanket with me on this trip. Although, it was deeply considered and I miss it everyday. So deep down I am child and I love it.

On the other hand, I am an old soul (well, I think I am). I definitely was born in the wrong decade. Do not get me wrong – I am more than happy to have been a teenager through the 90’s. Alternative rock is my bread and butter. But there is nothing like classic rock in my heart.

And then there is my intense love and desire to go to bed at 9pm every night. This is the kicker. I do not know why but my body SHUTS DOWN at like 9pm unless I am doing something super active. Pam can contest to this. She said she’s never seen anyone like it.

One night, Pam and I were taking it easy laying in bed reading. It was probably just before 9pm. Suddenly, I was awoken but the intense pain of feeling my iPad smack me in the face. I am pretty sure I got a bruise on the bridge of my nose…. There I was, trying to read in bed at night and my body, literally, shut down at 9pm. Unbelievable. What am I, 90?

And then there is my bad hip… I have no idea what that is all about.

So, when you throw at me the opportunity to go to Disneyland, you better believe it was going to happen. In fact, I couldn’t get out of bed for 2 days in Hong Kong sick and pulled my shit together to get to this place.

The morning started as you would expect getting two kids ready for Disneyland would. We woke up to total excitement, screaming, and jumping on the bed!

We then hopped on the train to Disneyland, travelling through all the other metro lines, until we reached the station that connected to Disneyland.

Anticipation was thick. What was the train going to look like? Was it an actual DISNEY train? I stared at all the children dressed as Disney princesses… if only.. I was smaller..

Then it arrived! The DISNEY train arrived!!


We cheered as we rushed into the train. Wide-eyed our eyes became as we scanned the magical vessel to our fantasy land. I grabbed onto the Mickey Mouse handles and held on for dear life – I was ready to fly.

When we arrived, so did the rain. Not to worry – nothing could bring us down from our high! Disneyland ponchos were our first stop! We needed a souvenir from Hong Kong anyway, right?


And then we we entered. It was not quite the same as the US version, but it was perfect all the same. We were ready – let the party begin!

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